Produced by Boylan's Bottling Co. Moonachie, NJ. A root beer with all natural ingredients.
Very attractive brown glass bottle with raised lettering and a painted label. 170 calories and 42 grams of sugar. Sweetened with pure cane sugar, flavorings listed are: oils of sweet birch, cinnamon, sassafras, anise...extracts of bourbon vanilla, yucca, and licorice. Caramel color from cane sugar.
Lighter in color with a small soapy head, just a bit of retention. Aroma is mostly cinnamon, licorice & wintergreen. Taste has wonderful sassafras upfront with soft notes of licorice, ending with a hint of vanilla. Light body, clean and balanced. Moderate and very fitting carbonation.
Interesting, well crafted, but slightly understated in flavor.
Rating: B
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